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Theme Week Announcement Timing


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I must admit I love theme week. The ability to write about a topic you do not need to produce and who does not like extra TPE. There is one piece of theme week that does bother me slightly and that is the timing on the announcement. 


I know it really should not bother me, but I am a creature of habit and well must admit it fits best in my schedule to sit down and draft my articles and media spots for the week on Sunday afternoons. That means when we hit Theme week, I have typically already posted my media spot for the week and must wait until the next week to gain the extra TPE. Now with this season Theme week has nicely been put into the upcoming events so I noticed it. (In all honesty I will admit that I do not know if it has been posted in past seasons and I just missed it or if this is something new this season) So I am grateful that I had some advanced warning this season and have been able to postpone my writing.  


It would be nice for those of us who do write early in the week to get some advance notice of the theme week topic. If it could be posted the Saturday or Sunday before the week so that people could plan and organize what they want to write about. All honesty, I would not even mind if the requirements increased slightly as we are getting extra TPE, not suggesting a massive increase but say 750 words for the increased TPE. 


Al this said I am not expecting anyone to change anything for me. Yet we all would like things to be done the way we want them so I figured I would put this out there. 

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I agree with this.  I like doing graphics and already put myself in a time constraint doing 2 a week.  When theme week rolls in, it is tough to pivot and try to wedge it in without prior notice of what the theme actually is.  That is likely on me and maybe I just pull back on the quality for theme week to get by but that isn't really my style.

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