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Lookin pretty good!  I like the logo replacement you did!  I think the shoulder logo lends itself to a replacement as well but it's not necessary!  Like you said, the Oslo logo in the text is really cool!  I think the only thing causing some issues with it is the background graphic.  It looks to add some confusion and muddy the logo in the text.  A more subtle BG might work well for this to help both the player and text pop a bit more.


Good luck with the next one!  You are definitely starting to build a library of ideas and techniques that will only get better as you use them!  7/10!

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This is my first review for one of your sigs so my rating will be strictly a benchmark. I like the jersey change, using the old Yotes jerseys is definitely a good choice for the Storm color palette. You have a a cool background going and definitely some detail going into the text. This is definitely a good start as you're branching out on all the tools on the program you're using (Photoshop?). Given the simplicity, I would have centered the render, especially with the text going across the whole graphic. I do like the use of a clipping mask on the text though. Eventually you should start toying with lighting and textures to blend everything together, but this is a good start!


6.5/10 (Benchmark)

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