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Update on Hampton


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Fred Hampton released this monthly statement on the behalf of his agency TownBizness:


"This has definitely been a great season so far.  Things have been far more pleasant and communicative on the behalf of the team.  It's nice to be recognized for even the small things that I've been able to do on the ice.  Again, I know it's not all-world, but just to know that I am effectively helping out the team is always a positive thing -- so I'm thankful for that.  A recent update I received from Coach shared that I was doing what I was supposed to be doing in terms of both shots and points.  If that's what the team needs then I'm more than happy to keep letting that puck fly myself or getting it into the hands of our other capable scorers.  Either way, anything that helps the team is fine in my book.  Additionally I hope everyone has a great holiday season as Winter is upon us.  Cheers to all!"


Look out for his next statement during the new year.

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