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Analytical Framework for divisional analysis


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Another article was written this week on which VHL division is better, the European division or the North American Division. I expect it will be a long-standing argument by people from either side, but could a framework be built to evaluate the discussion and provide a factual quantitative framework to it? 


Offensive output: 

As would be expected the first area that would naturally be evaluated would be the offensive output for each division. This would need to be done at multiple levels including output by top performers, total goals scored by each division, offensive output by non-peak performers but what might be the best analysis would be offensive output related to games played against the other division. If someone could accumulate the number of goals scored by each division in only inter-divisionally played games that would provide a comparative analysis that would exclude the concept of one division that has potentially weaker teams. 


Offensive Strength:

Outside of pure goal and assist analysis we need to look at the depth of play by offensive players so looking at face off wins in total and inter-divisionally would be needed to assess secondary offensive strength. 


Defensive Strength: 

As much as goals for and goals against tells some of the story it does not provide a level of depth that the analysis needs from a defensive perspective. If we could get total body checks and total blocked shots for each division and then those same stats in relation to games played inter-divisionally that would allow for some analysis on the impact that defensive strength plays on each division.


Goalie Depth: 

An analysis of top performing goalies with analysis of comparative GAA and SV% would be needed, then gathering those same statistics on a total division basis and then inter-divisionally would allow for a true review of which division has the stronger goalies. 


Team Discipline and Special Teams: 

Lastly a review of Penalty minutes taken would allow for a review of team discipline, compare that with points scored both shorthanded and on the power play, would allow for an analysis of special teams. If those numbers could be derived from inter-division games, that would allow comparative analysis of each division's strength in those areas. 


Team Record and Championship Won: 

Lastly the overall statistics of inter-divisional games won and most importantly who won the championship need to play a factor in determining the best conference. At the end of the day this sport is about winning games and winning championships 


I think I have provided a framework to complete an adequate analysis of the VHL divisions, if somebody could do the actual work, we could finally answer the question of who the better division is.  

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