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Galvins Goal Scoring Title


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Well with the holidays going on I haven't really had a chance to write about Girts Galvins winning the goal scoring title! Along with 2 other great players (Janser and Bob) we all finished with 54 goals. I heard it's the first time in league history this has happened so it's pretty cool to be a part of. Respect to the other two players but I'm going to keep referring to Girts as the goal champ because it's probably the only player award I will ever win here! Also I played less minutes than both of them, lol, so goals scored per minute Galvins is your guy ;) All kidding aside it felt really great to finally become a superstar in the league finishing top 4 in VHL points, I'm thankful to have put together this kind of season for Warsaw. 54 goals, 55 assists for 109 points shatters my previous high of 29 goals and 67 points. Maybe I will win some kind of most improved award or something but who knows.. It was a fun season though, my linemate Brendan Marner put up 113 points and teammate Vasile Lamb potted 53 goals of his own. Overall it was a good year for Warsaw even if we fell short in the playoffs, Galvins stayed hot posting 6 goals and 14 points in just 7 games so he did his part to help the team. Recently re-signing a 2 year deal with an option for a 3rd he'll try and repeat his performance from S86 along with Marner, Payne, Kissingler, etc and will try and get Warsaw back to the championship in S87.  

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