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Detroit Dodos take ProAM


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The Pro-Am just ended and I am excited to see that my club the Detroit Dodos won first place in a hard fought battle with the Babylon Wonderers.  Tokyo Blue Shells took the bronze over the Giza Pharoes in 7 games.  


Overall it was a fun tourney and thank you to all the GMs and people who put it on.  Was a fun way to distract as we await the draft and the upcoming season.  Babylon had some beasts up front and its no surprise that Daniel Janser led the league with 58 points in 33 games.  He also led the playoffs with 10 goals in 12 games.  


Detroit had some major contributions from Brian Payne, Doug Britton, and Fat palloon with 12 assists each in 11 playoff games. They also had top three in hits with Igor Molotov (58), Brian Payne (48), and the legend Juan Ceson (44) showing that Detroit was going to play physical against the highly skilled Babylon club.  


The plan worked and Detroit won in 6.  Congats to all the clubs and look forward to next year.

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