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Let's Begin Again


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The off season is coming to a close this week and Jesse Teno has returned to London. With a contract extension in hand, they are ready to start their first veteran season and to start their first official starting position in the VHL. 

“It’s a lot of pressure and it’s certainly going to mean a lot of the season will rely on me keeping it together. I just hope I don’t let the team down and that I can play well this season.”

Jesse headed from the plane to the practice facility to start of their official pre-season training. Despite playing all off season in Vermont, going up against the local kids and beer leagues doesn’t really prepare a person for VHL caliber players.

“Being home was nice, yea. Got to see the family and just play some hockey for fun. Also got to go skiing which I haven’t been able to do much of since I started playing professionally.”


160 words for week ending 1/22/2023

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