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Preseason Interview with Lachlan Summers


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— Summers in his new locker stall at the arena of HC Davos Dynamo


DAVOS, CH — The new season of the Victory Hockey League is upon us, and there are a multitude of new faces making their big league debuts this year, including star prospect Lachlan Summers of HC Davos Dynamo. Sources were able to catch up with the young netminder as he settled into his new locker stall at the Dynamo practice facility.


Interviewer: “Lachlan, how do you feel about being able to achieve a childhood dream?”


“Don’t know what to say honestly, because there’s really no words to describe how I feel right now. Proving my worth and finally being able to say I play in the VHL— the highest level of professional hockey in the world— is absolutely indescribable, I mean,” Lachlan remarked as he began to unpack his things and settle into his locker stall.


Interviewer: “Looks like they’ve got you a nameplate already!”


“Yeah, the training staff here work quickly, eh? My name and number look bloody good in purple.” He brushed his fingers over the nameplate, lingering on the Davos logo that was beside his number ‘50.’


Interviewer: “You’re now sitting behind VHL veteran Xavier Booberry. Have you settled in well?”


“Xavier has fully embraced me as his. . . what’s the word— protégé? Given me a lot of tips and told me not to worry too much about what other people think. I won’t reveal all the secrets he’s told me so far, though. He’s been amazing, everyone here has. Last season, Siyan Yasilievich actually took me and John (Richards) out to dinner when we first got drafted, so I’ve been welcomed with open arms. I’m really looking forward to spending more time with these guys.” Lachlan spoke with a small smile. “My husband and I were able to find a fixer upper that we’re gonna renovate together. We have a lot of ideas and we’re gonna make it uniquely ours.”


Interviewer: “Speaking of which, what was the journey like for you and your husband moving to three different cities in the past four years?”


“Frankie’s been an absolute champ. I don’t know what I’d do without him. He always says that he wants me to live out both of our dreams for us. He quit playing hockey at the height of his junior career, so now I’m going to carry the weight for us both. I’m hoping that this is the last time we have to pack up our things, though, but the flight from Stockholm wasn’t too gnarly. Europe’s just called my name, I reckon.”


Interviewer: “What have you done with your new mask this season? We know it’s always exciting to try something new at the beginning of every year!”


Lachlan held his helmet high enough to show off the craftsmanship put into it. “Well, I wanted to incorporate bits and pieces of home into it so that’s what I did. I worked with a great artist, so he was able to add the Australian flag and the purple kangaroo on there. The matte finish is another thing that I love about it. My friends and family approve, so I figured I made the right choices.”


Interviewer: “One last question to wrap things up, how does it feel to be playing against your good friends Sadie St-Louis and Jesse Teno?”


“I’ve been talking to Sadie every day, whether it’s through a call or text. Since we’re in the same conference, I’ll be seeing her often but I won’t let our friendship stand in the way of securing the win for Davos. I doubt I’ll be starting too many games this season, but if I play against Riga, I’m showing her and the Reign no mercy.” He nodded firmly. “Same thing goes for Jesse. I love them like a sibling, I really do. They’re in their first season of starting full-time for London, and I wish them the best of luck— just not against the Dynamo. I heard they were looking forward to “kicking my ass” or something, so obviously I’m not gonna let that happen. We’ll have to see who comes out on top in the long-run!”


Interviewer: “Some strong words for Sadie and Jesse, there. Thank you for your time, Lachlan, and good luck this season!”



Word count: 701


Edited by kirbithan
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