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Cooke Shooting for the Stars


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Sophomore Centre for the LA Stars is back and working harder then ever in this seasons training camp , Cooke came back this season with something to prove and he’s on the right track to go just that ! 

Cooke had always been a player that could be depended on to deliver in any situation and he really struggled in that regard last season as a rookie . Cooke didn’t really ever find consistency last season on either ends of the ice . This season he has his sights set on changing that narrative. And becoming a player worth talking about in this league . 

During his offseason vacation back home Cooke had one conversation that changed his entire outlook on how he viewed his training and the opportunity he has to play in this league . That conversation came during an Izvestia fishing trip with his father on Boxing Day . Cooke was expressing how his rookie season didn’t quite go as planned and how he would’ve loved to contribute more . His Father stopped him in his tracks and assured Cooke he had nothing to be ashamed of and he gave it his all . One thing that stuck with Cooke was when his Father said this “ The only person who can stop you from reaching your goals is you” . When he heard that Cooke knew he had to continue to work hard and put everything he had into this season . And boy is that what he’s doing !!


Stay tuned as we look to see if this truly does shape up to be a breakout year for Cooke !

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