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Thinking ahead to Theme Week, Fun ideas


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In a prior season I authored an article on fun ideas for theme week and thought that I would mention the topic again. If you had to choose a topic for season 87 Theme week, what would you choose? Noting that you cannot reuse anything that has been done in the last 5 seasons and preference would be that it is something that has never been done before. 

Here are a few ideas that I came up with: 


  1. You must choose a mascot for your team, tell us what it is, what you have named it and what role it will have at games. Write a media spot introducing your mascot or produce an image/graphic of your mascot at one of your games. 


  1. One of the restaurants within your arena wants to create a signature dish that is named after your player. You have been asked to be involved in the creation and naming process. Write a media spot in the form of a radio commercial introducing the new featured dish, provide the name and describe the dish. Or create a magazine advertisement (including graphic) of the new featured menu item and include the tag line or slogan for the dish. 


  1. Your player was out at the bar with some other teammates on an off day. Unfortunately, another patron recognized your player and started a fight. Even though the police investigation revealed that you were only defending yourself, team management thinks it would be wise if a press release were released showing your remorse for the situation. Write a media spot outlining your team's official position and your official apology. 


I hope some others will have fun and add ideas to this article. 

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