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Weekly Interview - Teno


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“Jesse, you’re four and two in your last six games. How are you feeling?”


“Not great, to be honest. I know it’s a couple good wins but I’ve been really struggling to keep the puck out of the net.”


“What do you think you’ll be working on to improve that?”


“I think for now I need to work on my glove hand. I think I’m letting a lot in on that side so I need to tighten up that speed.”


“London is not looking great overall with you in net recently. Could that be affecting your on-ice performance?”


“Sometimes, yea. I think I let the bad games get into my head. I seem to have one mediocre game followed by a bad one usually.”


“What do you think your team could do to help you?”


“I mean, I always appreciate a blocked shot but honestly my team is really trying so I’m just doing my best to hold the fort down.”

161 words for week ending 2/26/2023

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