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EU Race to Playoffs is Tight!


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The Eastern Conference continues to heat up and its anyone’s guess who will get the last two spots.  Right now at 66 games it looks like Davos and Moscow are guaranteed spots and Moscow refused to give up the top spot.  


But between current 3rd place team, Malmo, with 78 points and 7th place team Prague with 73 points its anyone’s guess at this point. Prague and Warsaw lead the EU in offence with 214 and 216 goals respectfully but are having trouble stopping them.  Malmo showing to be the second-best defensive club in the EU only allowing 171 but scoring has been tough. 


All I know is the team that gets hot in these last few games of the season will make it and some very good clubs will be hitting the golf courses early.  It is cool to see such competitiveness in the division as it shows good some good team management by several clubs. 

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