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Around the League in 533 words


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For this week’s Around the League in 500 words I figured we’d chat about the VHL Playoffs, some all-time records I found while dinking around forum, and some random shit as my season is now over and the treacherous off season begins early for me.  


I feel like the hardest part of the VHL is staying motivated to write articles come after your team is eliminated from playoffs and the off season begins.  I so desperately wanted to click Welfare this week, which is something I have rarely done.  But, knowing I travel next weekend to California I decided to power through and write something. So, I apologize in advance if my lack of motivation shows.



The fact that my Warsaw Preds are eliminated early this year I am for sure bummed.  However, I am looking forward to seeing how this year’s playoffs turns out.  There are some powerhouse teams in the European conference and North American.   Calgary, Vancouver, LA, and Seattle will battle it out while Davos, Moscow, Riga, and Malmo will compete for the EU.  I am excited to see how the EU race turns out as the teams in that conference have battled it out hard all year.  Best of luck to all.



As I was hunting for an answer to this week’s trivia questions (which I missed and have no idea how) I started checking some career stats and how some modern players rank in all time categories.  Now, the post attribute changes make catching some of the early legends impossible it’s still fun to look at.  


In the overall PIM category, I saw Edwin Ecarnacion is the overall PIM leader with 2028 in 612 games. I am not sure what seasons he played but that’s a healthy number of PIMS.  For currently active players LA’s Vinny Detroit currently holds the #5 position with 1574 in 576 games.  Detroit was the only active player in the first page of results.   


In the Hit category Detroit was ranked #3 with 2852 hits.  In the #1 category was Brennan McQueen with 2889. Former great and recent retiree Druss Deathwalker was #2 all time with 2882 (so close).  Other former legends from my era include Duncan Idaho 2734, That Dude 2109, Henri Le Massif 2057, and Taylor Mourning 2038.  



I was clicking through the VHLM today just checking out some stats and seeing how their playoff was going and wondered which team has the best team’s name and logo.  I found that (at least for me) that once I was out of the VHLM I didn’t look at the league as often and that’s a shame.  It’s cool to see newer players come up and do well like my buddy Rip Wheeler.  


That being said to vote for the best club name and logo is not easy. I have a loyalty to the Marlins because that’s where I started but they don’t have the best name and/or logo.  It came down to two clubs for me.  Aces_Bar.png

The Philadelphia Reapers and the Las Vegas Aces. Both clubs have great colors, a catchy name, and some cool uniforms.  But my winner is….


The Philadelphia Reapers 


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