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The Road to S88 (and 900 TPE!)


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With the long off-season nearing its end, Jesse Teno has continued to be busy working on their wedding, taxes, and not-for-profit charity. It’s been a busy few weeks and it seems Teno might be getting antsy with all the downtime from hockey. They have been seen going to the rink more and more often, sometime with a group of kids and most often with a local beer league so that they could actually practice and not just show up on some little kids who enjoy getting dunked on by a pro player. 


Jesse, when they do train, has been hard at work trying to make sure that they are ready come this season. They are also wanting to be ready to face off against their friend and friendly rival, Lachlan Summers. The faceoff the two have been waiting for is now guaranteed when London and Davos meet on the ice now that both goalies are starters. It’s going to be an interesting showing and one that many are looking forward to.

171 words for week ending 4/2/2023

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