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Lachlan's Pregame Playlist Vol. 2


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“Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Satanus, Lucifer!”


Those names would sound strange out of context, but they’re lyrics to “Year Zero” by the Swedish band Ghost. Blossoming young goaltender Lachlan Summers is simply jamming out to his playlist before a preseason game as per tradition. He feels he can’t live without music— he uses it to concentrate, block out outside distractions, and other things of the sort. 


There’s only a few more days until the VHL regular season starts, and Lachlan is going to be under close scrutiny of fans, coaches, analysts, and other players alike. Coming off a stellar rookie season, it is now his time to take over the reins of the Davos crease, as he’s succeeding the legendary Xavier Booberry in net for the Swiss club. That’s a lot to ask of a player, to fill the shoes of someone with as illustrious a record as Booberry, but what better way to shake off the nerves than by listening to some tunes?


He’d isolated himself in the hallway as he practiced his reaction time by bouncing rubber balls against the wall, catching them as they boomerang back to him while singing at a louder volume than he’d ever speak with.


“He will travel the nations. Kingdoms to fall one by one. Victim to fall for temptations, a daughter to fall for a son. The ancient serpent deceiver to masses standing in awe. He will ascend to the heavens above the stars of god.” Lachlan bobs his head to the beat of the song, fully concentrating on his warmup until checking his watch and realizing the time has passed quicker than he'd originally thought.


Game time.


Reluctantly, he pauses the music on his phone and heads back to the locker room to go over the starting lineup with his teammates and make final preparations in this preseason game before the new year officially commences.


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