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The Junior Showcase Has Ended Thankfully


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The Junior Showcase Tournament has ended and I am thankful for that. I was generally pretty excited to get things underway and see how I did but when things had to be restarted, so much changed that I lost interest. I am EXTREMELY grateful for those that put in the work for this, don't get me wrong. However, during the restart our team did far worse and I did even worse than that.


As someone new, my TPE wasn't the highest so I was barely making 15 minutes per game while some forwards were closing in on 30 minutes a game. As a result, I didn't put up as many points as I had hoped and kind of felt useless. I can only hope that for the next one I have bulked up my TPE some and am able to make a better contribution.


A huge thank you to those of you that help put the tournament on. It gives us something to do in the off season and that is very much appreciated!


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