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Get Off My ICE


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This could be a reference to “Gran Torino” or to “Monster House,” either one are famous for “Get Off My Lawn.”  Only this is an intrusion of another kind.  The worst kind.  It’s my ice.  My hockey ice is being over run by a group of non-sports minded, self-absorbed, whiners, who have determined that their free roaming figure skating is more important than a small team of hockey players training for the next game.  To make matters worse, the ice and times were rented a year in advance.  So, I must repeat, “Get off my ice.”


One would think that this is a simple solution for the synchronized bladers that they could pick a time that is not being used and do their free skating during an open slot.  But no.  They screamed, yelled, and cried at a recent town hall, and the outcome ended to their advantage.  “Share the ice” was the official ruling.  It didnt matter that the hockey team paid for the ice time.  All it took was the other side crying how unfair it is that money gets someone privileged ice time.  Not only did the hockey team not get their money back, but they were scolded for not coming up with the idea to share the ice in the first place.


It wasn’t the best of circumstances, but the hockey team accommodated the rule makers.   The figure skaters determined that wasn’t good enough and they reached out to other like minded blowhards, many of whom never skated before.  The skaters soon outnumbered the team and complained of encroachment when the puck entered the other half of the ice.  The complaints eventually became organized chaos with yelling and more whining.  This continued until the rule makers determined that hockey was dangerous, a new rule was established for the ice time.  No hockey sticks are allowed on the ice.  You got it… They could be used as weapons.


Now, nothing against figure skaters.  I firmly believe all hockey players should learn how to skate before playing hockey.  Just leave the hockey players alone.  @Scurvy, we need to find a new arena.


This was written for 2 tpe and because I’m running out of shit to write about.




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