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Cooke Slumping


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LA Stars Centre Todd Cooke started the season out red hot atop the league in goals and points . Over the last 4 games he has gone pointless and has 3 points in the last 9 . 

Is there cause for concern ? 
I don’t think so yet Cooke has shown time and time again this season that he can be relied on when needed , Cooke is still among the league leaders in the above categories and shares the league lead for game winning goals. Everyone struggles or has dry spells . And I believe that’s what Cooke is going through right now at this point in time !


Cooke is in the midst of a coming out season where he has improved ten fold and has been a leader on the Stars this season . Trying to lead by example on and off the ice ! How he answers and ends the slump is the true question, because really it’s only a matter of time before this talented player starts producing like he was earlier in the season this year . Only time will tell but it believe this is only a small bump in the long road this season that Cooke will overcome soon .

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