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The Off-Season Starts and Looking Back Begins

Ozzy Batty

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The Off-Season Starts and Looking Back Begins


The hardest thing about the end of the season is trying to figure out what comes next. I joined this league on the recommendation of people that I trusted. They told me it would be a great place for me to develop, and it has been. I was able to play in the Junior Showcase Tournament. That brought me to the attention of some of the VHLM General Managers. I was even interviewed by some of them about the draft that was upcoming. It all worked out. I was drafted with the 1st selection in the 3rd round by the Saskatoon Wild. It was interesting to become part of a team.

We had a roller-coaster season. The season started tough with us winning some and losing some. But then we hit a 7 game winning streak. We thought this was it, things were going to start to get better, we were going to move up the standings, make the play-offs and carve the name of the Saskatoon Wild into the Championship Trophy. But then the wheels came off so fast that we were not even sure what hit us. We hit a 16 game losing streak. At one point, we had lost more games in a row then we had won up to that point. We could not figure out what had happened. It was tough to stay positive as the team just could not find a way to win, if anything, we were finding ever-increasing new ways to lose. The challenge of keeping the team together as we went through this tough stretch finally became too much. Three of our teammates announced they were leaving the team and heading back home, the league just was not for them.


We were able to sign some waiver players, but the damage was done. We finished the season the way we had started, winning some and losing some. The mood in the locker room was muted, at best. 

So what was my season like? I was selected for the All-Star game, which was a great honor. Somehow, I ended up leading the team in goals with 34 and 39 assists. That gave me 73 points which was also good enough for second on the team. But to be honest, I would have given it all up if we had made the playoffs. Hockey, like most sports, is a team sport. So individual honors are nice, but team success is what it should all be about.


Now, I am in the off-season. I have decided to go back to Ireland and see my family. I am continuing to train and try to improve at the home ice. Hopefully it will be enough for me to catch the eye of the General Managers of the VHLE and VHL General Managers. It looks like I am going to be in these drafts as well. If I am not good enough to be brought up to the VHLE this season then I will spend next season in the VHLM. I still do not understand how all of this works, but that is what the General Managers are for!


Looking back over the season, it could have gone better. But we did the best we could and that is all anyone can really ask of us. Yes, there is the two up-coming drafts. But what happens in them, if I am good enough to be brough up to the VHLE, all of that is out of my hands. All I can do is continue to train and try to be the best teammate I can.

Control what I can and accept the rest....good advice from my Mom that I try to use every day.


Word count: 617
Week claimed: Week ending 21 May

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