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7 Improvements to Vancouver Games


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Here are 7 things I'd change to improve Vancouver Wolves games
1. Raffle off $1,000,000 every home game to one lucky fan.  Not only will it be incredibly exciting and newsworthy, but it will make coming to Wolves games even that much more exciting.  Plus, we have the money, why not use it for the good of the community and potentially change some lives in the process?


2. Make concessions much, much cheaper.  Hockey games are a great place for families to spend time and learn the game with one another, but it can be prohibitively expensive when you account for the price of food and drinks.  A family of four getting dinner, a beer or two for the parents, and some snacks is just too much money.  Especially in this economy!


3. This one is controversial and I'm sure won't happen, but what about shortening intermission by just a few minutes?  It would save game length, make the action much more palatable for the fans, and increase the overall speed. There may be issues with player safety, which certainly aren't to be dismissed, but it might be an overall victory for the league and for the fans if it were to be wildly implemented.


4. Eliminate shootouts altogether!  If the teams are still tied and would normally start a shootout, force each team to have a 1 on 1 fight, best of five, to determine which team takes home the victory.  Shootouts can be too random sometimes and adding in the fights will be a hell of a watch for the fans.  Plus, it would increase the importance of having an enforcer on the team who can really hold their own should the situation call for it.


5. When a powerplay happens, allow the shorthanded team to randomly select a fan from the crowd to replace their penalized player.  Some might say "why wouldn't they always do this, isn't having some random body better than being a man short?"  Of course not!  There will be wastes of space all over the ice, not to mention some poor kid having to lace them up and skate against professional hockey players.  Tell me that's not the most fun idea you've ever heard?


6. Make the coach who is losing at the time drive the Zamboni!  It's humiliating and will provide the opposing fans the ability to hurl tomatoes, lettuce, and other rotten fruit at the poor coach who has to man that post.  Plus, it will take away from important gameplanning and adjustments that the coach would otherwise be doing. Plus, on the off chance it's the Wolves coach having to do the dirty work, I'm sure he'll make quite the spectacle out of it so it's fun for everyone in attendance.


7. Last but certainly not least, I think we should have a penalty box for the opposing team that randomly opens up to a tunnel and drops the opposing players down into a holding cell beneath the arena.  They won't know it's coming, so it'll be quite the startle.  Plus, It will take them a while to get back up to the arena, which would be an advantage for the Wolves.


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