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If I was commish for a day


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Well this is quite an interesting topic for theme week and quite frankly one I think I could have lots of fun with . What would I do if I was commish for a day you ask ? Well let’s take a look I’ve thought about it and here’s the few changes I would without a doubt make . Who knows maybe some of these suggestions could get considered or even put into place one day.


First off I would Combine the VHLE and VHLM into one league and put the TPE/TPA cutoff up to 500 . With this change that woul put us with 18 teams in that league and 16 in the VHL . I would add 2 teams to the VHL those teams being Fort McMurray Oil Rigs, and the Paris Rams giving both teams 18 a piece , now with this change I would have the VHLM act as an affiliate league with each VHL team having a direct affiliate VHLM team. I think this change could be a very fun interesting change is adopted properly . 

Secondly I would get rid of attribute depreciation altogether and let players see how good they could actually make their players if they weren’t affected by this . Let’s face it we’d have some unreal players I realize that . But I’m looking at the welfare or mid tier earners for this one they work hard or as hard as they can to build their players up and boom the depreciation hits them and knocks them down considerably more then a max earner who has banked enough TPE to fight the natural regression. This is also part of the reason I upped the TPE cap on the M as it would give them more of a fighting chance to make an impact and difference in the VHL when they got there. 

Third I would bring back the All Star game ( maybe it hasn’t go anywhere but I haven’t seen it in a bit ) . I would have this completely open to players to Vote for starters and a second line for each conference. Aswell as a GM to manage the All Star game in a best of 3 head to head Sim . Just a little something to play for towards the midway point of the season .


Fourth I would up the games played in a season to 82 . It just seems like we hit 72 games so fast like once the season starts it’s over just as fast . 

Fifth with the implementation of the VHLM acting as a direct affiliate league the VHL GM would hire a management team directly to run his VHLM team and help get the players to where they need to be or want to be in order to play in the VHL . I believe this would be a fantastic way to increase activity and player retention . It’s just a suggestion that could work or maybe fall flat on its face im not really sure. 

there’s just some of the changes I could come up with if I was to be commish for a day . Maybe they would work maybe they wouldn’t . Maybe some have already been tried I’m not fully sure . But I really think there’s some fun ideas to offer here . Let me know what you think ! 



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