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Theme Week conclusion


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From reading only a few Theme week articles I have noticed a theme (surprise), yet it is not the theme that is the actual topic of theme week which was to be “You are commissioner for a day.” It seems like the theme week has become address the issues with the VHLE. While some would just blow the league up and adjust between the VHLM and the VHL, others would try to make the VHLE a stronger more robust league that adds depth to the VHL overall system. 


One particularly long and drawn-out article tried to address the topic from a technical approach and instead of just claiming to blow up the VHLE decided to find a mathematical argument as to whether the VHLE could be dismantled. Although any analytical analysis will have its faults based on the assumptions and modelling techniques used, I can accept that it proved that the VHLE could be dismantled. Note that says dismantled and not blown up. The VHLE has several working pieces that would need to be taken apart a little at a time if the league is to be decommissioned. It would have been more thorough if the writer had also focused on the opposite outcome. Could the VHLE be strengthened to create a more elaborate and beneficial complete system, is there proof that would suggest that the VHLE working at top efficiency and effectiveness would strengthen the entire VHL framework. 


Give people uncontrolled power and they will make uncontrolled decisions.  


What have I learned from this endeavor; we need to give a lot more respect to those who are in the roll of commissioner for more than a day. They field the worst of our backlash and frustration and yet somehow continue working to make the league a better place. 

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