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Being VHL Commish - Implementation


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As the hypothetical commissioner of the Virtual Hockey League (VHL) for a day, I would seize the opportunity to implement crucial changes aimed at creating a more balanced and equitable system for general managers (GMs). By addressing pay disparities, emphasizing transparency, and expanding the league, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and competitive VHL.


One of the primary steps I would take is to address the significant pay disparity among GMs within the leagues. By ensuring a more balanced pay structure, we can motivate GMs to remain committed to their teams while leveling the playing field. Implementing bonuses and incentives for exceptional managerial achievements would further encourage fair competition and reward excellence. This bonuses would be seen as "extra TPE" that GMs can obtain for their players when achieving milestones such as having the best record in the league, winning the cup. And I will also implement it for players, having small TPE upgrades for small things such as being an all-star or more team related achievements such as wining the cup, but for MVP or the best awards, give a more substantial boost.


I believe that we can also expand the league by creating the coaching position, which would be right under GM and AGM, and those would be more in charge of lines and the GMs more of building the team, that would create more jobs and more opportunities to have different players being payed. But also, this can implement hiring and firing based on performance, giving the VHL a bit more of a realistic approach and being more competitive.

Expanding the VHL would be a key objective during my tenure as commissioner. By bringing in more players from different regions, we can enhance the league's reach and appeal to a broader fan base. This expansion would create new opportunities for players, coaches, and GMs, as well as increase revenue streams for the league. Careful market research and analysis would be conducted to identify potential host cities and assess their viability, ensuring that each new team contributes positively to the league's growth.


If I was to be a commish for a day, I would also put more value into the podcast area, giving it a bit of a boost, not a huge one but a 1 TPE extra, this is because making a 10 minute podcast takes good planificación and that will also be because I personally enjoy listening to podcast that are VHL related, makes me feel more submerged into the league and I enjoy it even more.


As the commissioner of the VHL, my primary objective would be to establish a more balanced pay structure for GMs, prioritize transparency in hiring and firing coaches, and expand the league's footprint. These changes would create an environment that values fairness, encourages healthy competition, and fosters growth. By implementing these initiatives, we can transform the VHL into a league that is not only respected for its on-ice competition but also admired for its commitment to equity, inclusivity, and sustainable expansion.

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