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Ben Laas and his Mindset


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Howdy VHL folks, Ben doesn't get to do too much speaking of course, as he's focused on playing out there on the Ice, but we got an exclusive interview with Ben as we had been reaching out for weeks, months even to no answer. Till today after his final game of the season, before playoffs of course. He was willing to sit down and just speak to us.
**Host points to the Door** "welcome Ben Laas!" Lass speaks, "Hey guys, very excited to be here." Host asks, "So Ben was It hard to find time to make It here?" Ben smiles, "You don't even know, Asking me for an interview in person requires me getting a flight to DC here. Which I get why since I'm looking forward to making this my home in the near future." Host chuckles, "Of course of course. I'll ask though has GM Frost been in contact?" Ben nods, "here and there, were both busy guys so I don't expect an answer 24/7 you know."

Host nods, "that's fair Ben, I just like to ask as some guys don't even hear from their gms. Which that brings up my question what happened in saskatoon?" Ben puts his head back and just huffs, "Man that was such a bummer, so first off our GM drafted a guy who was playing in the E with the 1st overall pick, so that kind of ruined the draft a little for us as we needed someone to be down with our unit. Regardless I'll say the guys made the most of It and we were bought In. Everyone on the team just wanted to develop and the guys who were apart of the team last season tried their best to teach us." Host chimes in, "Right giving you guys pointers here and there." Ben says "Right." Host, "Okay So tell me now about during the season when you guys just hear nothing." Ben nods, "Right I guess I should of figured that's what you wanted most, Well we've got me, Montgomery, Otis. I kinda forget the rest, so apologies to those guys. Basically were practicing, but rumors start to float like our gm's gone and he can't be found. So were like ""Okay what the hell?"" So straight up we finished the season with no GM and our coaches were trying to handle all the behind the scenes while trying to coach us as well. So Let me tell you all of us were like " VHLE please have a spot ready for us." We were so done with that experience. Just heart breaking, but obviously life things happen so that's another topic." Host just chuckles, "He just disappeared?" "Gone." "Wow that's, wow. Well at least we know all of those guys are still forming their careers out, but I believe the league appointed someone else right?" "Yeah. yeah like they finally figured out hey the GM Isn't here. Who wants to GM?" Host laughs, "Right, I mean never easy to find many guys for the VHLM job as you never get too many season with some players right?" "Very true as there are plenty of guys who are like me and are like. VHL Is the goal let's get a move on." 

Host smiles, "Right, but are you enjoying the VHLE?" Ben nods, "Oh Yeah... We've had a coach that his been chatting with us everyday and Is always trying to get us hyped up. We've had a great year." "The best team this year at that." "Right Right, I keep forgetting about that as It's just been an experience being with these guys. Having Bihler In net Is a blessing and he counts our defensive core as a blessing as well. Were just on the same page In Istanbul." Host asks, "Absolutely man, what was that like being drafted by Istanbul?" Ben chuckles, "Funny enough they never reached out as they expected me to go top 3! so when I see my name get called, I get an immediate text saying they're sorry for not reaching out as they expected me to go in the top 3. So when I was there on the board, they felt they got a steal and I feel just the same way." "wow, they thought you would go earlier?" Ben laughs, "right?? I mean I was already going round 1, but man It was nuts to end up on such a team like this one. I'll be real though when I landed In Istanbul I was immediately like, "Man I can't wait to be back in the US." Which North America In general as even in Saskatoon I enjoyed my time there off the ice." Host cracks a joke, "Now you know you never leave the ice over there." Ben laughs, "you right. You right, but regardless man yeah Istanbul was definitely something Different. I hadn't really ever thought about leaving North America like that and I really forgot about the E meaning Europe. So for all of us drafted guys If you weren't in the E you're going on a career stop in Europe baby!" Host asks, "Now did you do much shopping there?" Ben laughs, "I barely left my place I stayed at, funny enough the Arena actually has rooms for players to use If they didn't want to live out in the city. So you best believe I requested a room. I don't know much about Istanbul too much still, but they have been supporting us heavy, but how can you not when your local team is staying winning." 

Host agrees, "Yeah I mean I'll hop on a bandwagon for a local team in a heartbeat man. So I definitely get why they're showing to games since they know you guys are killing It on the ice. Are you ready for playoffs?" Ben looks around, "Man Playoffs can't come fast enough we just ended our season with 2 wins for our last 2 games and we want to keep that momentum going. Don't want any good energy rubbing off us man." Host asks, "Is It Cup or..." "Cup." Host chokes as he gets interrupted, "Whoa. Guess you knew my question there huh?" Ben puts his hands up, "It's been asked by fans, other media pieces, and hell even us as a team we ask it. I personally believe It's cup or bust. I don't know how many guys are staying down in the E or who's being called up." Host asks quickly, "Before i get you rambling on that, as I understand. You getting the call up to D.C?" Ben smiles wide and looks, "I'm not going to speak on It. I'll let the transactions speak." "now by that you mean?" "just watch call ups during off-season." "Got ya, well did you have anything you wanted to say out there for your fans and people who doubt you?" "I'll say appreciate you guys who support me during my struggles and those who have sent such kind words over social media. To those who are still doubting. Your Laas." Host chuckles, "Well Ben It's been a good one. As we have loved hearing about the experience from you yourself and we will catch you hopefully in a Dragons Jersey next time your in D.C right?" Ben daps him up and walks away. then stops to look back, "We'll see." Ben leaves the room.

Well folks there you have It Ben Lass the Defenseman of the Istanbul Red Wolves. Folks we've seen him get better over the season and he looks promising as a prospect for the Dragons. Will he continue to be on a rise or will we see him stagnate? As a D.C Fan lets hope for all positives baby. We out! 

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