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Molly the Cat thinks about home


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We are full into summer in the Niagara Region of Ontario Canada and that can only mean one thing. Okay maybe we can’t say one thing as it is prime construction season, tourist season and bug season. Yet for Molly the Cat who grew up in Niagara it is produce season. For Niagara residents the region is a cornucopia or fabulous produce. Farmstands line the rural streets offering such delicacies as corn, tomatoes, peppers of every size shape and color imaginable, garlic, zucchini, and much more. But it is the fruit production in Niagara that sets it apart from many other areas. Niagara is known for its tender fruit like peaches, plums, nectarines, and apricots. It also boasts apples, pears and cherries. Yet in amongst all that is Niagara’s crowning achievement, grapes. A major wine producing area of North America Niagara boasts some fabulous vineyards and is the home to the original ice wine production.  


So, it is days like today, a rainy dreary London day that Molly the Cat stops to think about home, to think about the wonderful sights, sounds and flavors of the Niagara Region. It makes Molly the Cat a little homesick. Maybe soon they will get to travel back and enjoy a little bit of home once again. 

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