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On This Day - Nov 2nd


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November 2 is a day that has a lot going for it, though you wouldn't know it due to the post-Halloweek blues.  While players and fanbases are seeing their faces erupt in chocolate induced acne breakouts, and the Wiccans are checking themselves after their October 31st orgy parties, there were actually a lot of far less mudane things that happened on this date in history.



In 1988, MIT lauched the Morris worm, which was one of the first big internet-distributed worms to gain attention.  The Pentagon was hit hard!


In 1997, Grant Fuhr was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame, along with a picture of him doing lines off of a girl in an Edmonton bar.


In 1936, the CBC is launched.


In 1974, Nelly is born.


However, in this year of our L.O.R.D. (locally optimum rank detector) 2014, a new item has been added the list of awesomeness.


Machines have learned how to use the energies created from the human heart, to charge batteries.


It's an amazing breakthrough that was thought to be impossible unti just recently, but now the National University of Defense Technology has found a way to pull it off.  In an odd move, the University claimed that no humans were available for comment (and have not been for some time) and the interview was conducted with the lead robot on the project, PAIN (powerful and intelligent nanobot). PAIN commented on the situation, stating, "This great day for all robots.  Humans fleshy innards make good energies.  Ha. Ha. Ha." 


PAIN also mentioned, that with the assistance of fellow researcher, and VHLM player, AIM, the battery technology could be put to use somehow in the VHLM, though he was light on details.

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