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Aurora Skylight thoughts of now part 4


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What have i done in the VHL discord with my Aurora Skylight thoughts we debating what a sandwich is kinda funny but love it and hate it alr lets go to the thoughts of Aurora 


Where did istanbull redwolves go was it because of me saying its racist to kurdish people


Why is the league littel by littel shrinking 


What if you roller blade on ice is it ice skating


And like we seen lot of times that there so many things happen in the sims like what is the big factor of winning a sim is it tpe is it how many skils are good is it how well rounded you are is it more like you need to he Lucky we maby never know


 If someone only do shooting are they scoring goals or just bad because there just a free target because i think a well rounded player has beter chance of scoring and the only scorring guy not 


And this the good talk and good thoughts of Aurora Skylight thoughts it was fun while it lasted readers we see you next week 


For the last thought wil Aurora win ever a trophy in her career 201 words



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