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New point task options


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Point Tasks 

I think I have at least on one occasion suggested that it might be useful to add additional point tasks so that people can have some variation. I have some wacky ideas that could provide some lighthearted and fun additional ways to earn TPE.  


  1. Write an uplifting and positive story about someone in the league, tell what they did and why it made your life better. Could replace an article, must be 150 words long 


  1. Submit a piece of artwork, could be original, could be something you got from somewhere else like a coloring book drawing or a point by numbers. Could replace a media spot for the week. 


  1. A picture photo album of at least 10 pictures, (no people) and must be themed but does not require any explanation. Would replace a media spot. 


  1. Karaoke – pick a song, record yourself singing it and post it to the forum for everyone to enjoy, replaces a media spot. You get double week if it is an original song and is at least 2:30 minutes long. 


  1. Stand up routine, tell a joke set, make people laugh, do a roast session for one of the players (not the forum member but the actual hockey player) Come on you all know you want to attend the retirement gala and roast Daniel Janser. 

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