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Mid-Season Thoughts from a Rookie VHLM GM

Ozzy Batty

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I had planned on doing this earlier, but life included to throw me some curve balls that culminated in me spending a week in the hospital. But things finally seem to have settled back down some and I have the time, energy...and a clear enough head to embark on this.


As we have passed the mid-point of my first season as a VHLM General Manager, there are some things I have realized...and some things I need to improve on. I think I will follow the old format covering the good...the bad....and the ugly. 

So without further ado, here we go!

The Good

Overall the season has gone as expected. I have been able to figure out how to submit the lines (thanks to all of those who patiently answered my questions) and how to set them up. The Locker Room is still quiet, but there are some members who speak up every now and then. I was able to find a great Assistant General Manager in Jason Kranz @Jason kranz who I know from another league. I want to give a shout-out to him for keeping things in track while I dealt with my health issues. I am learning alot from watching others and from talking to Jason. I have a good feeling for us moving forward.

The Bad

The results. We are not consistent. One game we take 35 shots, the next we take 15. I cannot seem to find the sweet spot on these. For anyone wondering....that is with the exact same tactics...makes no sense at all. We are in 4th, and are almost 30 points behind the team in 3rd. So this is something I need to figure out if we are going to improve. I know that it can create problems if the strategies are changed too much...but even with the same tactics, they dont produce the same.

The Ugly
I have been terrible with recruiting players through the wavier system. I have only gotten 2 players to join through this route...and one of them was my wife! I realize that the waiver system is the life-blood of a successful season. With the limits of the draft-pool, the growth throughout the season comes through waivers. So I MUST figure this one out. Even though I said this under the bad...our results are ugly. I cannot even express how frustrating the tactical side of things has been for me this season. I need to get better at this, without it, we will be mired in mediocrity...which no one from the team wants.


Final Thoughts
Overall, I would rate my performance so far this season as passable, at best. I have tried to keep the players engaged....not sure the results are worth the effort...but I am stubborn, if nothing else. I need to crack the puzzle of the waiver system to be a factor in the title races in the future. This is different than traditional responsibilities as a General Manager/Owner because the players are so temporary. 

I have learned quite a bit so far...but there is more to learn...and more to do. And I wont give up on this and will continue to work for the Mexico City Kings!


Word Count: 532
Week Claimed: 17 Sep 2023

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