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The story of the most iconic trio in London history


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Leading up to Season 88, it was easy to tell that things were changing for the United, and that they were changing in a good way. Ivan Retoslav was putting up consistent 70 point seasons, Molly the Cat was still producing, Leonard Triller was coming up from the minors for the team, and then GM Jacob made two landmark moves. He aquired both Igor Molotov and Siyan Yaselievich. Suddenly without even realizing it, Jacob had assembled not only one of the best performing trios, but also one of importance in other ares. There was one thing that all of these three players, Ivan, Igor, and Siyan, had in common. They were the three major Russian players from the Season 83 draft. These three put up decent numbers during the regular season, but come playoffs, this trio would shine. The three Russians put up over 75 points in just 23 Games during the Season 88 Postseason, and even took home the Continental Cup. They were immortalized with their names etched onto the rings of the trophy, and the three became known as the most successful trio in London United history, not only in scoring, but also in their ability to bring the city together and not crack under pressure. One will always hope that a trio similar to this will appear soon enough in the VHL once more and create more stories to tell. That's all for now, and we'll see you next time.


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21 hours ago, Daniel Janser said:

Detroit had their 'Russian Five', London has their 'Russian Three', which answers the age old question: How many Russians does it take to change a bulb win a Continental Cup.


I'd imagine you should really need one Russian in order to win the cup but I may be wrong

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