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Trey Daniels - Mexico City Kings


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Review: Hey buddy I really like what you did with this graphic! One of my favorite parts is how you channeled your inner Michael Bay and made some very clean explosion's in the background! I also thing the edit on the jersey was also very well done. There is only one thing that i noticed that does for me personally take a small bit away from the immersion of the graphic is just how the canes was left on the players helmet but it is a very small detail. Overall this was an awesome graphic really good job! 


Rating: 9.0/10

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59 minutes ago, Dadam30 said:

canes was left on the players helmet

First of all thank you for the kind review! Second, yes I noticed this right as I posted this and was like noooo everything else was perfect! I could go in and fix it now, but...meh. Nothing too crazy.


Edit: I changed my mind and removed it. 😂 Plus it looks a lot better now and I'm sure Tdan would appreciate it if they use it as their sig. 

Edited by Tetricide
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