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Again I say Simon WTF


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Last week’s Article I started with the statement Simon WTF. And so, I think I will continue that sentiment this week. This may be an extended series of articles where we look at strange things Simon does during simulations. 


This week’s topic is Chicago. 


First, I want to congratulate Chicago on their great season so far. But let’s be honest this team was planning for a rebuild, the expectation was not that they would be leading the league in points, sitting tied with Riga at 33 points. To vouch for this, I will note I have witnessed on multiple occasions the GM of Chicago admitting (in VHL chat) that they should start losing at some point.  


If you look at the VHL predictions posted prior to the season nobody chose Chicago to be the North American Conference leaders, in fact if I choose an article by JacobCarson877, posted on Oct 27 called S91 Standings Predictions, he estimates that with the build that Chicago has they will potentially finish 5th with a .500 record but will put up minimal playoff push. 


So again, I ask Simon WTF? How does a team that is predicted to be mediocre at best start the season with such an impressive performance? Obviously, the strong productive start by Scotty Sundin and Legacy Gaming helped, the strong rookie plays of goalie Ryan Artyomov. But is it enough to have them first overall? Is there something else in the mix that has made this possible and we will see this team crash in the latter half of the season? At this point it would be only speculation. We will need to wait and see but honestly, Simon WTF. 

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