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Offseason development

comrade cat

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The offseason has been interesting for a lot of teams and a lot of people, one of those people is Savaisk Tzesar and has been surging with motivation to become better and to be better while showing improvement in his workout and training he has been gaining some muscle, He has improved tons with his wrist shot skating and strength he might be a massive problem to teams when the offseason is over, but after a day at the team facility the media wanted to interview him about his expectations for the team.


“Tzesar you have been trying to explore your ideas on the ice and wanted to become a star for Malmo, how do you think you can accomplish this?”


“First would be to at least score 50+ points in a season which shows that I can be useful in the point branch while also maybe going for shot blocks and hits since I’ve lacked a bit around that department and I think if I can help our defense we can do much better”


“Do you think you will have a massive impact on the team once you reach that learning curve?”


“I think I will impact the team a lot if I do. It's just a matter of time when I do reach it since I’ve always been behind the scenes scoring a small amount only doing a small amount. I was hoping to score a lot more but in the end I only got 33 points.”


“With that how many points do you think you will get the next season?”


“Well with how much I’ve been working I hope to get near 50 you know? I want to be a important forward in the league and scoring above 50 might get my name out more making me more valuable”


“With how Malmo looks, are you excited for the next season?”


“Really excited I’m just waiting for it you know I hate the off-season but at least I got to the wildcard first time going into the VHL playoffs and I can tell ya, it isn’t the same as the VHLE or VHLM it really isn’t the same it’s still exciting yea, but holy shit the difference is massive the vibe and sound is so much different, more enticing as well just a very different vibe.”


“Wow how does it feel winning two cups already while still waiting for a vhl cup?”


“Well those two cups are very important to me but with the VHL I’m working hard to even get a chance at touching the cup I’ve always worked hard and never lacked because I was down even when I was sick I had to continue you know? My father would disown me if I ever considered taking a day off unless all my bones are broken.”


“Well hopefully that never happens but good luck to your career and workout. We are excited about what you can do and how well you can do it. Good luck Tzesar!”


Words: 501

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