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Tzesar's late season troubles

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Tzesar has shown that he is reliable but in the point department he is heavily lacking in that his shots haven’t slowed at all same with his hitting but clearly he has been very unlucky but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t produced well for the team he has been a rocking hitter punishing any player who doesn’t protect themselves almost becoming a somewhat of a “Enforcer” forward which isn’t really popular but could lead a direction of what Savaisk will become in the future, but for the meantime he continues to work on what he is planning to be a really good power forward with scoring potential and hitting ability his pass game has also shined a bit and since last season hasn’t taken that many penalties early on, it could be him maturing into a better player and understanding what to do and how to do things, but till then we need to see if he can prove himself.


words: 160

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