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Lawson Touches Down in Helinski


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    As Tyler Lawson, former Houston Bulls centreman was selected with the fourteenth overall pick by the Helinski Titans, he was initially really nervous at the prospect. He was to live and play in a foreign country and it all seemed extremely daunting for him - it was something that was weighing on his shoulders even now, honestly, but he realized he had to get over himself and face the reality of his situation. After undergoing the contract signing, all the ordinary new team chats, finding his way with all the facilities, and getting to meet teammates, trainers, and coaches, he found himself in his first press conference with the squad. He let out a deep breath from out of view, before smiling and waving to greet the press. The room grew loud as the reporters all were vying for a scoop about their new American prospect. 


    He selected a reporter, a man - probably in his forties, close to the front. As he spoke, Lawson's face dropped and he felt a deep twinge of . . . honestly, fear. It hadn't quite hit him until that moment that they wouldn't be speaking English. His eyes grew wide and he scratched at his neck nervously, looking off side to side at his team for any help. Unbeknownst to Lawson, they'd set him up with someone to translate for him - some team intern must've forgotten to clue him in. The translator looked over at Tyler before speaking, "The reporter would like to know some of the things you intend to do in Helinski once you're settled in."


"I, uhm, well, first and foremost . . . I need to crack open some books, err, get on learning . . . Finnish? Right, ah, yeah. I'd like to learn some Finnish and get to take in the culture of your people, and uhm, maybe go sightseeing - that'd be fun. Uhm, thanks," he nodded to the reporter, feeling as though he were sweating bullets. He thought he'd managed to figure out this whole press conference thing back in Houston - but man, these VHL reporters were seriously no joke. It almost felt like a whole other level - though part of that was probably also the language barrier. He found himself growing frustrated as he continued on struggling to answer their questions properly.


    Eventually, he'd thank them for their time before hastily scurrying out of the box. As he exited the room and turned the corner to meet with his PR Manager, he frowned. "Well, that . . . couldn't have gone any worse, huh," he let out. He could already tell he was going to be in for a hard time with the fans and reporters here in Helinski.

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