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My Random VHL Thoughts - S92 - Part 7

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  • Well, the VHL Draft happened and I got drafted by the Los Angeles Stars. What does that mean for me? No idea! I know nothing about the current landscape of the VHL but from what I gather from a couple of media spots written about the draft or mock drafts the LA roster is currently....barren. But I'll be playing in the VHLE next season so that's a story for another time anyway.
  • The VHLE Draft is tomorrow! Where will I be drafted? No idea! How many seasons when I spend in the VHLE - I think one? That's normal, right?
  • A pet peeve of mine - and I'm not calling anyone out because a couple of people did this. Pre-draft :interviews" are all pretty standard - are you willing/happy to play here, team vs. individual success, goals, etc... Most of these are done on the forum through PM, but I had a good handful of people reach on to me on DM on Discord to have a conversation/chat rather than just sending a PM. Why? Not personal at all but it's not like anything either of us says is really going to affect too much if I get drafted to a certain team or not. Maybe I'm just old.
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20 hours ago, Fire Tortorella said:

A pet peeve of mine - and I'm not calling anyone out because a couple of people did this. Pre-draft :interviews" are all pretty standard - are you willing/happy to play here, team vs. individual success, goals, etc... Most of these are done on the forum through PM, but I had a good handful of people reach on to me on DM on Discord to have a conversation/chat rather than just sending a PM. Why? Not personal at all but it's not like anything either of us says is really going to affect too much if I get drafted to a certain team or not. Maybe I'm just old.


I think it all depends. Around the draft in most seasons , you'll see one person or another insisting that they'll never play for someone if they're not scouted. That much is enough to make me at least send out something generic. That usually pertains to the VHL level, though, and I'm not sure there's much of a point to asking the super generic stuff in the M.


I think it doesn't make much of a difference in the development leagues for most people. I'm aware of a few people who I'd assume have a connection to playing for one VHLM team or another, but I don't think I know anyone who has an issue with not following that track to the extent that they'd refuse to play for someone. 


That said, I've been scouted by a few VHLM GMs myself this season and I really appreciate that they're doing their homework. I do question cases where I'm asked how I like the league "so far" and other things that clearly show that the questions weren't written with me as their target audience. In the M, I think it's mostly just a courtesy for older members and a "see how much thought goes into the answers" for newer ones (which is actually super helpful). Big questions with important answers apply more to the VHL (wouldn't you like to know if someone wanted to follow a career path that didn't line up with your management plans?) but certainly not all of the questions are worth asking.

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