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Ups and Downs - Raimo Tuominen

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CALGARY - If you had to ask Raimo to describe his career in three words so far, he would say “Ups and Downs”. How do I know? Because I asked him what three words he would use in a press conference.


“If I had to describe my career in three words? Ups and downs. Definitely ups and downs. I mean, you can speak to my lack of consistency up until this season. You can look at my point totals through my career. You can look at my VHLE and VHLM days. I’ve definitely experienced both. Highs and lows. Last season, hitting the 30 goal mark was definitely a high. Getting eliminated because we couldn’t get a point in the last two games and knowing that I was kept off the scoresheet completely? Definitely a low point. And I think that applies to any career, really. The key is to find out how to recover from low points and to maintain the good stuff.”


Raimo even quipped about his point and goal total. “If you want an example of how inconsistent I’ve been, as of today, I have tied my career season-high point total and I have just broken my single-season goal record. In less than half the season. I’ve found my stride… although, I need to work harder to make sure I show up against all teams.”


“This team is building up to a high point… and I think we’ll see it very soon here in Calgary.”

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