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Dogwood's Daring Dog Rescue

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In what has been called one of the most heroic moments of the last century, Cologne's Maple Dogwood yet again found himself on the front page of every major newspaper in the country.  As a part of Dogwood's longstanding relationship with the Atlanta Humane Society, an organization which he pledges more than one million dollars to each season, he found himself in a unique position.  Dogwood was doing his weekly dogwalking duties of the dogs who have been at the humane society the longest when he heard something unsettling.


"Usually all the dogs are barking constantly.  Anybody who has ever been to the pound or a pet adoption knows this.  They're always howling, barking, and all that.  That was no different this morning until all of the sudden the barks stopped. I mean, immediately. No growls, no barks, no howls, no nothing.  I thought it was really strange since a lot of the dogs are scared in here and it's just not like them to be quiet.  That's when I figured something must be wrong.  I checked the power, which was fine.  Then I checked all the water lines, and all those were fine as well.  But just then, I smelled it.  It was a gas leak," Dogwood said.


It turns out that the Atlanta Humane Society recently had some renovations done and one of the gas lines was knicked.  It was only a pinhole leak, but it had continually built up until it was noticeable to both the dogs and Dogwood.


"The second I smelled it, I knew I had to act fast.  I immediately went to every enclosure and leashed up all the dogs and took them outside, one by one.  We have a large fenced in yard outside so it was a great place to keep them all safe.  Not all of the dogs wanted to leave, but I was able to get every one of them leashed up and outside to the yard.  We made sure they had plenty of water and food to try and keep them as least stressed as possible.  But then I knew we had an even bigger problem - we were a spark away from blowing up," Dogwood said.


As the Express forward did a final sweep of the facility and awaited for the authorities to arrive, he heard a very soft bark coming from the back of the building.


As it turns out, one of the dogs had gotten out of his enclosure but ran off in the confusion and chaos of Dogwood trying to get all the dogs to safety. 


"The small Pomeranian was scared to death and eventually let me get close enough to grab it and run outside.  I was able to flag down the police who showed up with someone from the gas company and some contractors to fix the problem.  Fortunately, they patched the leak and said the Humane Society could resume operations in the next day or so," Dogwood said.

That's wasn't good enough for Maple, however.  As a result of his harrowing experience and resulting fame that came from his daring rescue, these dogs became famous and every single one of them was adopted within 24 hours. All but that last Pomeranian, who went home with Dogwood himself.


"I just couldn't let him go, it felt like fate," Maple said.

Edited by dogwoodmaple
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