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Handling League Feedback

Ozzy Batty

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One of the biggest challenges with running a sim league is to find the balance between an enjoyable experience for the players while maintaining integrity in how the league operates. 

There are a myriad of ways to approach this, but most of the leagues I am in try to do it with a mix of encouraging players (new and old) to voice their opinions and ideas about how to improve the league. But even though this is generally encouraged, there is also a myriad of ways these suggestions or thoughts are dealt with.

It is also important to understand the quality of the suggestions and feedback in how these responses are handled as well. I will be the first to admit that feedback of, “This sucks, I don’t like it, change it.”, normally elicits a response in kind. So those types of feedback are quickly ignored or some type of heated debate/argument ensues.

But how are the other type responded to? That is truly a question that should be evaluated. When the feedback is not an attack, and even though I encourage people to include suggestions on how to improve things in their feedback, we all know there are times that the limited information the suggester has available makes that impossible. Or if they do attempt some suggestions, they are quickly shot down once the additional information becomes available.

So where does the VHL fall into this scheme of management? I am sure if you ask 100 people you will more than likely get 100 different responses…so here is my insight to add to all of the others.

I recently posted something about the disparity in the quality of the VHLM teams, not because of the quality of the players…but attributed more to the lack of players on teams. I had seen a heated discussion about this a few weeks ago, and when I was looking at my own team’s roster our lack of defenders was a glaring issue. So what had started as an analysis of how the team was doing quickly devolved into my ramblings of this issue of roster imbalance and how the limits on recruiting to limit tampering and a person’s desire to join a winning team instead of a losing effort means that the rich get richer and the poor stay poor.

I mean, most people would rather be a 4th line forward on a team that looks like a lock to win their conference than join a team that is mired in the bottom of the conference even though they would get 1st or 2nd line ice time. I know, I didn’t do that, but then again, I am kind of an odd one.

So back to my original thought behind this post….how would a team GM respond to a post that shows a current player thinks the current system is flawed? 

In a very respectful and informed way, that is how. I was told how the current system has been revised and that roster limits will be in place to keep waiver players from joining teams that are already “full” by VHLM standards. It was explained how the trading of draft picks enhances the system. I was given a response that encourages me to continue to provide feedback and share my thoughts.

No one likes the “new person” to question the current state of affairs, it makes all of us feel inadequate, in a way. But everyone also knows the benefit of a new set of eyes…and a respectful conversation can improve any league….and makes the experience better for all!

Word Count: 596

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27 minutes ago, Ozzy Batty said:

No one likes the “new person” to question the current state of affairs, it makes all of us feel inadequate, in a way. But everyone also knows the benefit of a new set of eyes…and a respectful conversation can improve any league….and makes the experience better for all!

Everyone's experience is valid and their perspectives can be very helpful-- even those who are less polite about voicing their concerns, because it's often something they're experiencing that is causing them to react.  I think it's important to take that seriously-- and not just in sim leagues, but life in general lol.  You're absolutely right that having new eyes on a situation is helpful, especially of those people that are experiencing the league as a player and living out the highs and lows.  Those are probably the perspectives that matter the most since it's who the league is for!  So thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts, it's definitely worthwhile to read!

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