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I have returned part 3

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I have made my triumphant return to the VHL after a short break. This will be my third player with my first one being a goalie Markus Emerson Jr. and my second player being a defenseman Jimmy MacElroy. I am back to the goalie position for this third player since I found it the most enjoyable and have little interest in being a goal scorer. Being a goalie feels more important and high-pressure to perform than a skater. My last two players had quite a lot of success as far as team and personal achievements go and I expect similar results from this player as well. A few things have changed since my last player but it's still mostly the same. The biggest thing I've noticed thus far is that I can actually choose my VHLM team straight off the bat which I find interesting and quite a great idea. I give brownie points to whoever thought that one up. Now that I have returned I am aiming to be a higher earner than I was with my second player and maybe my first player too but we'll see if I can keep it up over the long haul.

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