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Dog Jagr - Scouting Report

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Dog Jagr has a physical presence on the ice as a player and even as a dog. At six foot, eight inches tall and weighing in at 250 pounds, Jagr has a towering presence over the other players on the ice. Jagr is uses his size to bruise up other opponents to put the fear of God in them as well. For Jagr’s size, he also is very athletic and is very smooth on the ice. His speed and agility is very surprising for his size and he is also very durable and does not have much of an injury risk at this time.



Dog Jagr enjoys the mental side of the game on the ice. Jagr knows he is a physical specimen and is very unique so he uses those traits to his advantage. Jagr is a very intelligent ice hockey player and loves to use his senses and his intuition on the ice. Jagr considers himself a leader in the locker room and tries to encourages his teammates whenever he can. Dog Jagr is a very selfless person and put the teams needs over his own needs or wants to help the team win.



Dog Jagr’s defensive prowess is top tier and he strives to be the greatest defender in the league. He is also very aggressive and there will be a lot of hits that are given out by Jagr. Jagr is not afraid to put his body on the line to block shots and to initiate contact on any player that has the puck. He is also smart to avoid any tripping and unnecessary roughness penalties as he plays within the rules but he just brings physicality on the defensive side of the ice. Jagr is also not afraid of a fight and initiates it at the right time to motivate his team.



Dog Jagr admittedly is not a score first defender. His main focus is the defensive side. However, he does use his intelligence to play a decent offensive defender. Jagr is one of the best keeping the puck onsides and keeping the puck away from the opposing team. Jagr is an intelligent passer and does his best to get the puck to his playmakers. Jagr does not want to do too much to hurt the team since he knows his strengths and weaknesses. Instead of shooting to score, Jagr is shooting to either get a deflection to go into the net or get a promising rebound, and if the puck goes in the net, he will be just as happy.

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