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CALGARY - Raimo sat down at a table with a few Calgary Wrangler hockey fans and enjoyed some sausages, pancakes, hash browns, and some scrambled eggs. While stampede season may be ending (and the VHL season as well), Raimo has kept himself busy by meticulously planning out a route to attend a breakfast per day. In his opinion, breakfast is easily his favourite part of the stampede.


“Trust me, I love everything about the stampede as well. The energy, the excitement in the air, the rodeo, the music, it’s all great. But man, nothing beats some good food. Better yet, most of the time, these breakfasts are free!”


Funnily enough, even though he enjoys the food that comes along with stampede season, he sparingly gets anything from the food trucks or various other food kiosks in the actual Stampede Park.


“Too expensive to justify getting some of them. I mean, my favourite thing was them really long fries, and even those were kinda pricey.”


Although it was very hot outside, Raimo did end up going stampeding at Stampede Park and eventually left at midnight but not without three bags of cotton candy, a spinning mop he got from the BMO center.

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