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Another Legend in the Making?


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Man, who knew I would be going from hall of fame goalie to the number 1 defenseman in the final regular season of the VHLE. I mean geeze. Ahsoka just barely eked out number 1 in points by a single point over Steve French. And all season long she was way ahead, sometimes by double digit points, among all d-men. I am so proud of her, and I cannot wait to see what she can do in the VHL.

Ahsoka finished S95 as follows:
1st in Points - 101
1st in Assists – 73
1st among Defensemen
4th in Shots Blocked – 202
2nd in Powerplay Goals – 15

Overall Stats:
28 Goals
73 Assists
101 Points
286 Shots
28 Penalty Minutes
67 Hits
4 Game Winning Goals

This was her best season so far and I am so pumped for her to join Helsinki in a few weeks. The post and offseason are going to be a lot of work just trying to max earn so that once the button is pressed, I can apply all 100+ banked TPE (currently at 107). 

181 words for week ending 9/22/2024

Edited by Aimee
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1 hour ago, Daniel Janser said:

Good job in Building Ahsoka. Unless you are using alien mind bending Jedi tricks, the math is not mathing though ;)


Thanks for catching the typo! lol

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