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A Trip To Vegas


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With their series already done and dusted (having won four straight games against Houston), Slava figured that it might be nice to give his boyfriend (still a word he was having trouble accepting was the truth) a surprise for their game versus Las Vegas.


Unfortunately for the Lynx, their time in the playoffs was up and Slava heaved a heavy sigh. He had been hoping for more for River, Brandon and the others but their roster was just too thin to really make much of a playoff push. But with the announcement of the VHLE closing down and some players bound to return to the M, the next season was going to be very interesting, and he was curious to see how all of it was going to come out in the wash.


Still, he was here for a very specific purpose and once the fans of both sides had filed out of the arena, Slava made his way back toward the locker rooms. He saw some faces he knew and once he’d given a little wave to Brandon, who obviously recognized him, none of the security gave Slava a hard time about being there. Of course, given that Slava was also 6 foot 8 and solidly built, he generally wasn’t given too hard of a time.


His heart ached when he finally caught sight of River, who was in his street clothes but still looked disappointed as he was gathering his things together. He knew River, knew that he wanted more for the team, but River would take it in stride, look ahead to next season and what he could work on for the betterment of the Lynx. While Slava had hoped to perhaps play with River next season, he looked like he was going to be sticking around Mississauga a little while longer and that was honestly okay with him. He liked his team, liked the general manager and his assistant and he was still the captain of the team for now. He was always going to play his hardest and do whatever he could to grow his game and be there to help.


“Hey Rivushka.” Slava said softly, using the little pet name that he had come up with himself for his boyfriend. The way River’s head snapped up almost made Slava laugh but River was looking at him like he could hardly believe that Slava was really there.


“What are you doing here?!” River asked, getting to his feet quickly.


“I came to see someone that I really miss.” Slava answered simply, reaching out to wind long arms around River and draw him into his embrace. He was distantly aware of Brandon catcalling them, but he just shook his head and sighed.


“I see that Brandon hasn’t changed much.” he teased and was relieved to hear River laugh a little at that statement.


“Oh, he hasn’t. For better or worse.” River quipped, which got a look of mock outrage from Brandon. Having played with him for the Junior Showcase Tournament last season on the Yukon Rush, Slava had gotten to know Brandon decently well and he genuinely liked him.


“I guess time will tell with that one.” Slava agreed practically, giving Brandon a once over as though he was still making up his mind about him. “What do you say we get out of here and find an ice cream cone?”


“That would be really nice.” River sighed and Slava kissed the top of his head softly.


“Hey. I’m really proud of you. This season wasn’t an easy one for you or the team and you still pushed through as best as you could. What’s done is done. All you can do now is look toward the off-season and the JST. We get another crack at it. Maybe we can make it a repeat.”


With his arm firmly fixed around River’s shoulders, Slava guided his boyfriend toward the exit. He’d have his own second round series to play later but right now, all he was focused on was the one person he loved more than anything in the world. Even hockey. Things felt like they were going his way, and Slava had never been more grateful in his life for his dido buying him his first pair of skates.


(word count: 713)

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1 minute ago, sadie said:

it's really fun to see more of the narrative stories on here rather than just recaps/predictions, great work!


Thank you! As @kirbithan can attest, I can always think of something to write about. 🤣

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