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off season waiting


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The season is officially over with all league playoffs concluding. Now we are back down to 2 leagues and I'm sticking around in the M for at least one more season but it could be two. My VHL draft date is approaching soon but not soon enough. I am neck deep in that draft hype and it feels like the draft is actually forever away. To pass the time I am competing in the juniors showcase and it's been going alright. I think the team is better than what our record shows. We just lack offense mostly. Our goal tending and our defense have been excellent. Losing game 1-0 or 2-1 really hurts. Other than waiting for the draft and playing in the showcase not much else is going on. I guess I'm waiting for some draft rankings to be released. I expect myself to be near the 10 range but I could see myself being lower if G is a needed spot at the moment.


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