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CGY Janser called to the principal (kind of)

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While at Lürssen's shipyard to survey the final touches to his gramps' new built yacht, Callum had only few minor amendment requests. This was not surprising as Kurt chose that builder for its stellar reputation as well as their stereotypical German precision and thouroughness. Hence, no major issues were expected. After the inspection tour was done with the foreman and one of the engineers, the young Swiss was invited to the CEO's office. The Americans' defender was slightly surprised as the contract volume did certainly not justify any attention from such an exalted C-level cadre. Nevertheless, he went to the on-site administrative building, to see what this was all about.

The executive let him in personally, shook hands, asked him to sit on the desked and offered some refreshments.

'Only some juice for me, please.' the Calgary native replied.

After receiving the beverage, he asked the question which was burning on his tongue.

'Please don't get me wrong, I appreciate to make your acquaintance Herr Schmidt, but I would not have expected that the order of a medium sized yacht would justify to meet someone in your position. Especially since I am not the person to order the vessel but only acting on my grandfather's behalf.'

'Well, you are correct that normally we build yachts in the 400 foot range and not 120 foot like the 'Chancer 78'. But this is more about you as a person, than the yacht or her Owner. I have studied the blue prints for said ship. I understand, they are your design?'

'Mostly, yes. My grandpa had a vision and I tried to put it on paper as good as I could. Of course, I am not denying to take inspiration from other shipbuilders for some practical and proven solutions.'

'Ah that is quite normal and it would be a bad shipbuilder not to adopt working solutions from his peers. In fact it speaks for your character that you do not take credit for foreign ideas, but point out that you took a leaf out of other people's book.'

'I try to be fair, and as you probably know I have not much experience yet to build a ship from scratch.'

'Oh I did my research and know that you are fully occupied at the moment to break New York's cup curse. Anyway and as mentioned before, we at Lürssen have not much experience in building relatively small vessel and were impressed how much function you were able to fit into the hull without making compromises on comfort, quality or range. That was a good day's work so to speak.'

'Why thank you. It means a lot coming from such a renowned company such as yours.'

'I will cut to the chase now. I know you are under contract still with NYA and we respect that. And we do not expect for you to split your focus. We just wanted to let you know that we rang around especially with your university, and everyone sang your praises. Should you ever seek employment in the shipbuilding industry, please do call us first.'

'Wow, I did not expect that. I feel honoured by that open invitation. That means a lot to me. I will make sure to get in touch with your esteemed company, should I consider a change of career. Thank you, Herr Schmidt.'

'Of course. Now, I won't take up more of your valuable time, Herr Janser. I know you have to report to the Texas Goats for the ProAm.'

'That is correct. Thank you again Herr Schmidt and good bye.'

'Good bye, Herr Janser.'


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