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Eilidh and her boyfriend, the New York Americans' Captain, Callum Janser were taking a walk along the Hudson river in Riverside Park.

They were talking about this and that of little significance but yet important enough to talk about it. Things like what having for dinner, what to do on the weekend. Domestic stuff every couple discusses in a free minute.

Since it was in the middle of the afternoon a lot of parents with their children were in the park as well. The Swiss defender observed a group of children playing a game of tag. One little boy was running on a jetty, looking back and oblivious that the jetty is going to end in another six feet.

Callum started to strip to his underwear and told Eilidh to pull out the phone and call 911.

As he predicted, the boy noticed too late that he runs out of solid ground to run on and plunged into the water.

Callum followed 20 seconds later and tried to spot the unwilling swimmer.

Eilidh finally discovered him some distance downstream. Luckily he was wearing a high-vis vest. She called out to the Calgary native and directed him to the boy, who apparently knew how to swim, but fully clad and in cold water that was not easy for the small fellow.

CGY was catching up swiftly with long, powerful strokes and before long, he got a grip on the soaked kid.

'Hang on to me buddy, we will bring you back to firm land. Just stay calm and we will have you out of this cold river, okay?'

The boy was clearly in shock and in no state to respond, but he stopped struggling and let Callum drag him to the safe bank.

In the interim, the parent of the boy arrived and was naturally very worried about their child.

The Scottish Beauty gave her jacket to the boy to warm him up and did preliminary checks, as she is studying to become a nurse.

Two minutes later the ambulance arrived and once they were assured that the boy is fine, Eilidh and Cal went home, wanting to hear nothing about being heroes as proclaimed by the parent and the bystanders alike.


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