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Xhekrear the legendary hockey player known for always skating backwards. When he was 2 years old, he fell down awkwardly and became discombobulated and was only ever coordinated when going backwards, he never recovered. But instead of letting that halt his dream of being a lightbulb, wtf kind of dream is that. But he realized that was a stupid dream and was actually impossible, so he worked toward being a hockey player. Later winning the VHLs fastest player competition in his universe DESPITE BEING BACKWARDS THE WHOLE TIME. He is the best defensive defenseman in his league, though he sucks at carrying the puck in onside. Xhekrear is an amazing player who overcame rather unfortunate circumstances to become the fastest back skater in the league, worst forward skater though considering he can't do it without falling over. He looks like a baby giraffe on skates when he does it, it is quite hilarious actually. Xhekrear is an amazing locker room presence too! The captain of every team hes ever played on, and winning best defensive defenseman for 7 consecutive  seasons. The great xhekrear is a future hall of famer for his universe. 


Thank you for listening to the great story of  Xhekrear into the Xhekaj-Verse. 

Edited by Xhekityb123
Adding a reason for edit; Wrote 'xhekrear into the' one to many times
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