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Dear Sergiy,


Things have been going pretty well so far here in Seattle. The season has just started, of course, but I feel like things are already on an upward spiral for me.


I really like the city! There's a lot of places to explore and other teams to support. I went to my first soccer game last week and the fans are definitely loud and proud, and I think I'm going to attend more when I'm able.


I'm sure you already heard from mom and dad, but River said yes!!! We've been keeping things to ourselves a little bit as far as mentioning him specifically in anything related to the media but it's happening: we're going to get married. There's a lot to discuss and I'm not sure if he's got a specific timeline in mind for anything but I'm just glad that the one person I love most in the world agreed to be my husband. I'll admit, there were times that I dreamed of it when I was younger, wondered what it might be like if he cared about me the way I did him, but I don't have to wonder any more. He loves me, I love him and that's really all I need to know.


I appreciate all of the advice you and Dido Artem gave me about proposing and you were right! My mouth was so dry it felt like a desert, but I managed to get through things and not sound like a complete buffoon so that's what matters in the end.


So far, I've already got 11 points and managed to put up a goal and three assists in a game so I'm hopeful that some of my goals this season will come to fruition. The Bears are a hard-working team, and I feel like I ended up in a locker room and culture that closely matches my own values. I would have done my best, had I remained in Warsaw, but I can't deny that a change of scenery has been good for me. I don't think I truly realized just how down I was feeling about the future, about what was to come until I got here. I do hope for good things for Warsaw, though. Perhaps that's something I can put in a pin in and circle back to later. At least, that's what I hope.


Much was made of the trade for me, and I'll admit that I certainly feel pressure to perform well and prove that the trade was worth it. But I can't put an entire team on my back. All I can do is perform to the best of my own abilities and work hard to improve. I know there's more to learn, more to understand at the VHL level and at least I feel like I'm in a place where I can expand and push myself onward and upward.


I miss you and everyone else, of course. Please give my love to mom and dad, Anya, Irina and of course Dido and Baba. Fly safe, brother.




(word count: 513)

Edited by OblivionWalker
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Articles and Media spots that expand the players life outside of the direct confines of the VHL are always fun.  Positioning the story as a letter to a brother is a great way to keep it personal.  Well done all around.  It is very easy to build off of this as a series which will make doing media spots easy.  I give this media spot a 9.5 out of 10, great work. Keep going, looking forward to the next installment.

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