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Xhekajs Middle finger into the Xhekaj Verse (VIII)

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Welcome to the original Xhekajs middle appendage (not the cock), the universal twin brother of the middle toe, far more similar then the other universal xhek siblings, on the account they were born in the exact same way, same time and by the same family and with no normalities. However the major difference being that when the xhekmother got up she didnt stub her toe, insteadshe stubbed her middle finger on the air when she was flipping off the child that was crying next to her. Reasonable reaction tbh.  As stated before xhekajs middle toe and xhekajs middle finger are incredibly similar, however that one difference in name did change a lot. Xhekajs middle finger was a notably bad influence on the children around him because he had an impusle to show his last name instead of say it which ofc was bad for appearance around children. But aside from that they are remarkably similar, even have the same hair style that they have had since birth. Both born with a full head of hair and it hasnt been cut nor has it grown since. 


Thanks for listening to this edition of of Xhek into the xhekaj verse. 

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